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Comparing a Berkey Water Filter to the Competition

Berkey water filters are considered the gold standard in water filtration for good reason. With over 25 years of field testing by our users, and certified independent lab test results to back up filtration claims, current customers can be confident that they are getting a top of the line water purifier.

...But for a new consumer, there are many choices out there. So you'll want to do your due diligence and see how a Berkey water filter compares to it's competitors.

We provide our take below, but we urge you to do your own research so you can see for yourself just how cost effective and dynamic the Berkey is.

Important Note: All Berkey systems come standard with 2 black berkey filters which last 6000 gallons. This longevity, low cost per gallon (average 3 cents/gallon), and high filtration quality make the Berkey a tough competitor.

So let's see how the Berkey compares to other water filter systems on the market.

Berkey Water Filter Comparison Articles

Berkey Water Filters Vs Reverse Osmosis

Berkey Water Filters Vs Distillation

Berkey Water Filters Vs Brita

Berkey Water Filters vs Zerowater

Berkey Water Filters Vs Aquatru

Berkey Water Filters Vs Katadyn

Berkey Water Filters Vs Sawyer

Berkey Water Filters Vs Zen Water

Berkey Water Filters vs Alexapure

Berkey Water Filters vs Propur

Here's a Berkey water filter comparison chart below where you can see how the Berkey stacks up to other gravity countertop water filters.

Berkey Gravity Water Filter/Purifier Comparison Chart

CompanyNMCLAquaCeraAquaCrockPro PurDoultonAqua RainKatadyn
ModelBig BerkeyCeragrav-LP5AquaCrockPro BigGSS-2Model 400Gravidyn

[A] = Purification Standards: Element must remove/inactivate all types of pathogenic organisms. Specifically, element must remove two species of virus to 4 Log10 (=> 99.99%) and remove pathogenic bacteria to 6 Log10 (=> 99.9999%) and remove cysts to 3 Log10 (=> 99.9%). This makes Berkey systems the only true gravity fed purification systems.

  1. VIROLOGY - Demonstration of a 4 Log10 (99.99%) reduction is required on the combined polio/rota virus challenge matrix.
  2. BACTERIOLOGY - Demonstration of a 6 Log10 (99.9999%) reduction is required for the Klebsiella terrigena bacterial challenge.
  3. CYST REMOVAL - Demonstration of a 3 Log10 (99.9%) reduction is required for the cysts using Cryptosporidium or Giardia.

[B] = Number based on 2 gallons per day per person, system used 12 hours per day.

[C] = Aqua Crock, Doulton GSS-2, Ceragrav LP-5 all use Doulton Filter Elements - life expectancy is 525 gallons or 6 months, whichever occurs first.

[D] = Claim made is 2 years or 3,000 gallons; while the manufacturer of their Doulton filter elements states the life expectancy is 535 gallons or 6 months whichever occurs first.

[E] = While the company claims their elements will last for 3,000 gallons on their comparison chart, we used the claims of the manufacturer, which state that the life of the elements is only 1,500 gallons or 12 months whichever occurs first.

[F] = Calculation based on each element producing 3 gallons when used for 12 hours per day during 365 day maximum recommended time limitation.

[G] = Calculation based on each element producing 12 gallons if used for 12 hours per day during 182 day maximum recommended time limitation.

[H] = Cost per gallon presumes maximum gallon claims reached prior to "replacement time limitation" above and calculated based on "max daily output" above, whichever is less or occurs first.

[I] = Successfully demonstrates removal of microscopic red food coloring particulate from source water at 1 tablespoon of red food coloring per gallon.

[J] = Test is designed to determine if high turbidity (larger particulate) source water will clog up elements which may render them ineffective during actual emergency conditions. 1 tbsp carbon dust per gallon. Flow rate reduction of <25%=Pass, >25%=Fail.

[K] = NSF Claims: No listing on NSF website as of publication date. NSF has confirmed that ProPure has not been certified by their organization

Where information was available and published, this information was used. Where information was not available, information was calculated, such as in F and L above, using the available published information. Where published information on systems was in conflict with the published information by the manufacturer, such as in C, D, and E above, items are highlighted in orange.

Data based on manufacturer's life expectancy claims rather than the claims of the manufacturer's customer. Information collected from websites, corporate literature, internal testing and outside independent sources is believed to be accurate at time of publication (5-15-12). Neither this chart nor it's producer assume any liability, implied, expressed or assumed.

There are other gravity fed filter systems that claim they are not to be used with microbiologically unsafe or questionable water. We chose not to include those systems in this comparison chart.

Virus Removal [A]YesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Element RatingPurifier [A]FilterFilterFilterFilterFilterFilter
Base System Cost$263$139$399$239$229$239.99$219.95
Max Daily Output (Gal/Day) Base8410189141224
Max Daily Output-Max # Elements168251818.5202424
Approx. People Served [B]42654566
Maximum Gallons/Element3,000535 [C]535 [C,D]1,500 [E]535 [C]1095 [F]730 [G]
Replacement Time LimitationNo Time Limit6 Months [C]2 Years [C,D]12 Months [E]6 Months [C]1 year [F]Up to 6 months
Price of Elements (Each)$54.50$30.00$36.00$49.50$36.00$42.99$56.00
Approx Cost Per Gallon (Cents)1.85.6 [H]6.7 + electric [H]3.3 [H]6.7 [H]3.9 [H]7.6 [H]
Maximum Element Capacity4534443
Food Color Test [I]PassFailFailPassFailFailFail
Turbidity Flow Rate Test [J]PassPassPassPassPassFailPass
Test Results AvailableYesYesYesNoYesYesYes
Tested to NSF StandardsYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
NSF Certified ClaimedNoNoNoYes [K]NoNoNo
Guarantee6 Mos (elem 2-Yr)None Published1 Year Ltd.2 YearNone PublishedNone PublishedNone Published
System Cost-Max Elements$363$274$399$338$299$319.99$219.95
System MaterialAISI 304 StainlessHDPECeramicStainlessAISI 304 StainlessStainlessSilicone
System ProductionPlasma WeldedMoldedKilnDeep DrawnPlasma WeldedDeep DrawnMolded
Element CompositionProprietary FormulaCeramic / CarbonCeramic / CarbonCeramic / CarbonCeramic / CarbonCeramic / CarbonCeramic / Carbon
Number of Elements2232223
Element Height9"7"5"9"7"~9"10.4"
Elements cleanableYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Storage Tank Capacity (Gallons)2.253.5Not Stated2.752.2532.6
Electricity RequiredNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Plumbing RequiredNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Post FiltersYesYesYesYesYesNoNo
Dry Weight (Approx.)6 lbs5 lbs26 lbs5 lbs5.5 lbs7 lbs6.5 lbs


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